Some days you won't feel like it!
Some days you'll want to throw in the towel.
Some days you will eat whatever you want.
Some days you will get frustrated because this journey is hard.
Some days you will feel defeated.
Some days you will cry.
Some days you will feel inadequate.
Some days you won't feel ready.
Some days you will be scared.
Some days you will be tired.
Some days you will compare yourself to others.
Some days you may get jealous.
Some days you'll let that comparison steal your joy.
Some days you'll want to stay in your comfort zone.
Some days you'll loose your momentum.
Some days will be just those- SOME DAYS!
But EVERYDAY, you need to tell yourself you are strong!
You are courageous!
You are doing things that others don't do so you can live like others won't live!
You will grow outside of your comfort zone!
You will reflect on how far you've come! No one can take that away from you!
You will use that towel to wipe off the sweat of accomplishment!
You will feel confident!
You will like what you see in the mirror!
You will feel strong!
You will crush your goals!
You will dream BIG!
You will begin to crave healthy food!
You will know that the difficulty is worth it! It builds character!
You will find the energy for today and know a rest day is coming!
You will know that even if you aren't "ready," you have to start moving in the direction of your goals!
You will be YOU!!!
Because "some days" are just "some days!"
Yesterday afternoon and evening, I had a "some days" event. I didn't enjoy it one bit! I had already got my workout in and felt great so why was this happening???
Because as much as I want to be superwoman, I'm human with the same insecurities that everyone else has.
I was at a food tasting party and ate even after I was full. I literally threw the whole "portion control" idea out the window. REALLY NICOLE?
This morning, I have a determined mind (and a dairy hangover 😳). I know that it was just for that time and I have the ability to change my thoughts. I can start fresh today so that I can begin moving in the direction of my goals again. It's never too late to make that change!!
Big dreams and big goals are ok to have! You can start small or start big but improving everyday is ok!
Thank you to each one of you! Y'all motivate and inspire me to be better everyday!
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