Nothing like a two month sabbatical from blogging (oops!!). Sorry to leave y'all hangin.' Anyways....I wanted to give a quick update on what is going on as the end of 2015 quickly approaches. How is it that time just keeps moving faster and faster? There's a VERY new adventure for me. This past weekend I became a Cize Live Instructor. I cannot wait to begin teaching!! It was a goal of mine to this time last year to become TurboKick certified, but when Cize was launched at Summit, my sites shifted. Our master trainer explained it perfectly when she said, "it's like coming to class and being in a music video every time." You will learn all of the moves for a routine and by the end of the class, you will be able to "perform" it (aka, Cize it Up). So be on the look out for more details as I get everything set up ;) There's one other goal that I shared on my blog about a year ago too that I have chosen not to achieve this year. Some o...
Our journey of finding the sunshine in even the cloudiest of days