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Showing posts from 2016

The Summit...Would You Start Over?

So as most of you know, I went to Nashville last month for Beachbody's national convention called Summit.  It is the most amazing event where people who's purpose is to help others get together, share wonderful ideas/trainings and completely refill your cup before you go back home. This year one of the speakers was talking about completing a workout program in it's entirety when we returned home.  And they were telling us not to start over if we hit some bumps in the road.  Now, I for one, am a habitual "starter over" so I probably turned a little red (those who know me know how a can get flushed in a split second).  In a room of about 14k people, I was feeling like they were talking right to me. But then the best example was given...when you begin a hike/climb up a mountain, if you didn't like how fast you went or your progress in the first few hours, would you start over??? Um...NO way!!  That seems like a no-brainer.  There's no way that you would ...

Who Controls Your Happiness?

This year has kept its theme of change and it seems that change truly is our only constant thus far in 2016.  I am sloooowwwly adjusting to it and feel like I am just rounding a corner to take life by the horns again.  It's taken much longer than I ever thought it would and may take more work that originally thought too; but one thing is for sure, God is in all of it.  He's showing up more and more in our life this year than in years past and I am so incredibly grateful for that! Today, I want to share with you a hard realization that came last week in the midst of my youngest turning 3 and my husband being out of town.  It was a rough start to the week and it seemed as if everything around me was failing.  But then a friend said something so simple yet so powerful and it stuck; changing my perspective of where I'm at in my journey and the purpose of my position.  I wrote this out while sitting at Chic-Fil-a watching the boys play tag with their friends ...

Refresh Complete!

Exactly one year ago, I decided to do a three day cleanse that Beachbody had just launched.  It was a key tool in breaking my addiction to diet soda and I lost some weight too, which was awesome.  As I've shared lately, in the past four months, I gained ten pounds after maintaining a comfortable weight (the enjoy whatever/whenever lifestyle) for over a year.  This has been a tough thing to wrap my mind around.  How did I go from balanced to imbalanced without even noticing until the weight was there?  Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? So after failing to tighten the reigns on my own, I decided if the Refresh could break an establish soda addiction, then it could help me again.  And luckily, I found a local coach that had one on hand, so I didn't have time to back out of it :) Last time, I completed two days at work and one day at home; this time one day at work and two days at home which was a little more difficult since the boys love ...

A Case of Busted Biscuits

Hello 2016!!!  Our family rang in the new year with two very sick children; and,while it was an extremely rough time, it was the best way to start the year in hindsight.  I was able to begin the year slowly and without a ton of busy activities.  I had realized in the last quarter of 2015, I was SUPER busy!  And while, most of the time, everything was fun and something I WANTED to participate in, it was wearing me down. I became exhausted and when we went to Florida in December, I savored not having anything to do.  It was a great feeling.  But when we returned, I jumped right back into holiday busyness and completely lost track of working out and eating right.  I became arrogant with telling myself that I could eat anything I wanted any time that I wanted. Well, I was WRONG!  And after a year of maintaining a weight/size I was content with, I gained ten pounds in a month and a half!  To tell you I wasn't freaking out would be a LI...

Blanquita Bites:: Shakeo Smoothie Bowl

A little over a week ago, I had my first ACAI smoothie bowl. It was nothing short of amazing! But at $10 a pop, I knew it wasn't something I was going to be adding to my routine often. I began researching some of the ingredients and found most in my grocery store and bought a few last weekend. I did not, however, buy the smoothie packets that you would use as the base. Well, Monday, I saw a fellow coach make a smoothie bowl with Shakeology and I thought, "why didn't I think of that?!!" So even though it was cold, I was craving one again and NOW, all the ingredients were available to me. I literally threw it together in about two minutes and that included time to cut the banana.  You can use this as an inspiration and go wild with infinite amount of options so you don't get bored with it. And while I couldn't blend the smoothie itself this time, I will be trying it blended too and I'll let you know which is better.  Shakeo Smoothie Bowl: -...

Missing Monday

So I know you've heard the saying, "never miss a Monday!" It,  for many who workout, is to motivate them and get their week started off right.  Most of the time Sunday is my rest day, but this past weekend, I got in two very challenging workouts. Saturday, while the boys went to watch the Monster Jam show in our local area, I went off with the girls to get spray tanned (they were free, who can say no to that!!).  Then we went to do a little shopping.  It was some really great "me" time where I could socialize with my friends too.  In the evening, my mother-in-law invited me to a free Zumba-thon (um...again, free-- who can say "no" to that!!).  I had been to a few Zumba classes with her around my neighborhood, but nothing could prepare me for this lol!!  It was 75 minutes of full out, song after song, energy filled dancing.  There were three instructors and they rotated every song with no breaks and my toes were numb by the end of the third son...