This year has kept its theme of change and it seems that change truly is our only constant thus far in 2016. I am sloooowwwly adjusting to it and feel like I am just rounding a corner to take life by the horns again. It's taken much longer than I ever thought it would and may take more work that originally thought too; but one thing is for sure, God is in all of it. He's showing up more and more in our life this year than in years past and I am so incredibly grateful for that! Today, I want to share with you a hard realization that came last week in the midst of my youngest turning 3 and my husband being out of town. It was a rough start to the week and it seemed as if everything around me was failing. But then a friend said something so simple yet so powerful and it stuck; changing my perspective of where I'm at in my journey and the purpose of my position. I wrote this out while sitting at Chic-Fil-a watching the boys play tag with their friends ...
Our journey of finding the sunshine in even the cloudiest of days