Hey Everyone!! I showed you my homemade blueberry muffins on Saturday and wanted to share the recipe that I used. When they were done, I tried them and said, "Wow, they are good." My husband looked at me and said, "well, that doesn't mean much." Hey now??!! He knows that I like "healthy" tastes that he and the boys don't always like. But to their surprise (and mine too), they liked them! Noah liked them so much that he put down his ring pop at the pool to eat his muffin first (mind- blown haha!!). So here it is... You can make any substitutions you wish to make them fit your goals and lifestyle. - 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour (I chose to use 1 part regular white flour and 2 parts whole wheat flour) -1/2 Cups Sugar in the Raw (you can substitute the sweetener of your choice here) -1/2 tsp Sea Salt -2 tsp Baking Powder -1/3 Cup Oil (I chose to mix coconut oil and good old fashion butter) -1 large egg (we use o...
Our journey of finding the sunshine in even the cloudiest of days