During the month of August is a month dedicated to prayer in our church. Two years ago, they added the element of fasting to this month. So as a church body, we completed a 21 day fast called the Daniel Fast. My husband and I both completed this fast the first year our church participated. Last year, I was still breast feeding our youngest son and did not participate in the fast. However, this year, my husband and I (along with others in our church) will be starting the fast on Monday, August 4th. Now the exciting thing about this is that the last day of the fast is August 24th and my birthday is August 25th. What better way to end a fast than to eat some cake!! Another couple of things the photo does not show are no yeast and no sweetners of any kind. Remember, this is a fast, it's supposed to be challenging! As the saying goes, "IF IT DOESN'T CHALLENGE US, IT WON'T CHANGE US!" This year, I am actually excited about the fast. My eating habits have changed drast...
Our journey of finding the sunshine in even the cloudiest of days